Story Behind The Songs
From the front porch to the stage

Damn is a song written by two incredibly talented SA artist, Sunette Bridges and Werner Beukes, and I am honored to be the artist for this rockin' song! Here are some words from the lyricist herself:
"After 38 years of writing songs in South Africa, I was super excited to write lyrics for an American artist, even more so because I could do it for someone from my new American Home Town! SA Composer and Producer, Werner Beukes, did a great job of putting my words to music and I am thrilled that Jordan recorded this song. I still have a lot to learn about writing for an American audience, but I hope you all enjoy this one! I sure do love it!" - Sunette Bridges
Feels Like a Memory
With the understanding of how hard it is to be away, I wrote this song for anyone out there missing loved ones or missing home. Especially for the men and woman who sacrafise those exact things for this country we love!
Cowboys Of Faith
The inspiration for this song actually began when I recieved a belt buckle as a gift. The american flag in the background, the cowboy kneeling down, in a way it summed me up as a person. With my love for the good lord above and for good country music, I decided to combine the two and write a song about how the lifestyle of a cowboy aline with what faith truly is.
"It’s Called Dirt"
This song was written to remind us of where we come from and to never forget our roots of home.
Oftentimes the word “dirt” is used to negatively describe something or to devalue it. I looked at my life and where I come from and realized the dirt covering the roots of my home had done a lot of good for me. Many of us can relate to this song by simply thinking about our own roots of home and where we come from.
"Who I Am"
This is the title song of my first professionally produced CD with Mitch Snow Productions. This song was written to show the world who I am, not only as a musician but as a person as well.
Faith Hope & Love
This song was written based off of the Bible verse Corinthians 13:13. Without faith, hope, and love; without God... what would we be? This song has become a fan favorite from the church to the radio!
Christmas 'Round Here
This song was written for my Christmas CD released in December of 2020. “Christmas ‘Round Here” hit home to many of the locals and became the title song for the 2020 Christmas CD.